CPG stands for Consumer Packaged Goods, referring to low-cost, quickly sold products like food, beverages, toiletries, and other consumables. These frequently purchased, branded items are staples for consumers.
Founder Focus
Indigenous led
Products & Solutions
Micro Loans, Business Loans, Factoring Solutions, Grants, Other
Business Stages
Start up, Growth, Mature, Expansion
NADF - Nishnawbe Aski Development Fund
NADF is the first choice for Aboriginal business and economic development in Northern Ontario.
We are a not-for-profit Aboriginal Financial Institution serving entrepreneurs, businesses and communities in Northern Ontario. We offer a variety of services to support Aboriginal business and economic development, including financing, business support, community planning, and workshops and bookkeeping training.
Whether you need funding to start or grow your business, support to build community capacity or professional business advice, NADF has the tools to help you succeed.
100 Little Lake Road, Suite 101 Fort William First Nation, ON P7J 0L2
(800) 465-6821