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Health & Beauty
Roots to Sky
We all have a vision of the way our life can be, when lived at our highest potentials: healthy & moving towards our goals. My job is to help you bring this dream out of your head, into reality. Out from the Sky, and Root it in earth.
But how are we to achieve these goals if our body & minds are seemingly not cooperating?
The link between you or your team's wholistic health (think: mental-emotional, digestive, pain, menstrual, sleep, fitness etc) and the productive successful mindset of the creative, freelancer or even workplace is now well established & no longer fringe - we've all seen the wellness trend - and its here to stay.
Yet how many people bring these chronic concerns to their careers without knowing a simple, effective solution exists? A solution that can benefit both their personal lives and importantly for you, their professional lives? And instead of reinventing the wheel, why not use one of the most time-tested and comprehensive systems of health & lifestyle on our planet, to glue all these pieces together… to reach your goals of both wellbeing and success?
I'm Matt Walton R. TCMP and I offer a truly unique approach to fusing Wholistic Healthcare with Productivity, to help you or your team travel the road to success - preventing burnout or succumbing to chronic health concerns. Best of all - through millennia of careful observation of the subtle signs expressed by the body & mind, we Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners are extensively trained to prevent future health concerns from blossoming.
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