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Where CPG Means More — Community, Passion, Growth | Empowering Canadian Consumer Brands


Top Sixty's consulting focuses on adding age diversity to the mix of talent strategies in business.
We work with progressive businesses and organizations to maximize efficiency, innovation, and prosperity. We offer practical guidance on how to engage an ageing workforce and create stronger sales opportunities for ageing customer segments.

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As a niche age diversity consultancy, we work with employers to transform their multigenerational workforce into productive intergenerational teams.
All our training is based on current research which we curate and share with clients.Top Sixty Over Sixty motivates and reskills older adults by introducing an entrepreneurial mindset. This is valuable to anyone who is considering their next steps as an employee, entrepreneur or volunteer.

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Keynote/conference Speaking

The Future of Work Includes Older Workers –
LIfelong Learning at Work –
Intergenerational Power –
Multigenerational workforces are the new norm, now and in the future
and others on request

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Products & Services

Our company offers the following products and/or services. 

Expert Areas

DEI, Human Resources - Management, Workforce Planning

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B2B & B2C


Business Services

Founder Composition

Persons over 60

Helen Hirsh Spence Consulting

Helen Hirsh Spence is a later in life entrepreneur. After devoting 35 years to increasingly senior leadership positions in both the public and private education sectors, Helen embarked on a journey of social entrepreneurship. She founded Top Sixty Over Sixty after having witnessed firsthand how ageism was impacting her generation and how the upcoming demographic shift would affect North America’s social and economic fabric.

An energetic, creative, and solutions-oriented individual who has worked in rapidly changing environments as both leader and team player, Helen consistently focuses on strategy, stakeholder needs and high-performance outcomes for the organization. Helen publishes articles, speaks at conferences, and organizes events to promote a reframed narrative of ageing. Her social enterprise, Top Sixty Over Sixty, provides thought leadership, consulting and training on age inclusion and diversity

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