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Get kids and adults thinking creatively & critically through SERIOUS debates about Horns, Glitter, and Teacup Dragons. Introducing Hornville! A simple game about bringing fun to better decision-making.

Not only is Hornville a blast to play, it also offers valuable opportunities to challenge assumptions, think creatively, actively listen, and articulate ideas, making it an excellent tool for promoting 7/10 of the global competency whether it be in the classroom or at home. Designed in Canada

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Hornville Games

Hornville is a game to get kids and adults thinking creatively & critically through SERIOUS debates about Horns, Glitter, and Teacup Dragons. Players become the citizens of Hornville, a city where the majority of citizens are Unicorns and Rhinos. They run city hall and are in charge of proposing new laws. This is where we need your help. Council meetings can get a little wild. We need you to help us debate the latest proposed Bills. There are two ways you can do this – Team Play or Head-to-Head. Either way, there’s a lot of work to do. So, welcome, and let’s get started! Examine the Facts, Adapt to your Opponent. Challenge Assumptions. More importantly: Win the Votes!

Our hope was that players would be exposed to different ways of thinking and practice articulating their thoughts, build confidence in recognizing biases, and ultimately transfer those skills to the real world. Welcome to Hornville.

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